Way Too Much.. So here goes another day in my #life.. Yesterday, I went to Dubai Mall, it was full of guys hunting girls.. It's so disturbing both girls and guys stare at you, judge you, talk about you... I saw in the mall someone who hurt my feelings so much, the day went awful after and before that...I felt so sick in my stomach I don't know how I didn't faint or throw up... :-( The lady at the salon charged me double... The 7up exploded all over my clothes... My fiancée as usual so stressed out, he keeps giving me answers that are not nice neither in tone nor in essence... ( I think yesterday he felt I didn't feel ok because he got me some cute things after this), but then again the process starts again. Today I thought it would be good for me to ask him if he thinks he is easy going.. He said yes and supported his answer with valuable examples. However, he made clear to me that he does things he doesn't want to do with me... He made clear that I don't listen and it is expected of me.. Like for example when in the lift I don't stand next him.. That's not acceptable... Acceptable or not acceptable? I'm starting to feel like nothing is acceptable for a woman... I'm starting to feel like all men make me feel sick(sorry guys, I don't mean for friendship).. I don't have anyone really... I'm so alone.. I did so much work for 2 days I thought I did great... I'm starting to think I'm not made out for marriage.. I'm so freaked out.. I have so many mixed feelings.. I'm so sad, I have to keep everything in my heart because these people don't understand me, don't support me, they are too busy with their own lives... Or to busy trying to defend themselves because they think they are being attacked... Oh, he also told me he thinks I don't appreciate all the things he does..& that it also looks I don't enjoy my alone time with him.. To be honest I do appreciate what he does and I also make sure I do things for him, but in regards to the quality of us being together, well it's not rocket science to understand its not that great.. It's just the manner in which he speaks to me... I keep making excuses for it and giving chance over chance... I give up...
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