Portal: Welcome Back... (Part 1) Prologue "Welcome back test subject. I thought that I told you to never come back. Oh? Do you even remember me? GLaDOS? An AI who tried to kill you then helped you get rid of a moron? No? Nothing? I swear nothing comes out of your mouth. Really... well if you say so. I suppose that you have came back so that I can finally kill you. No thank you. Remember I said that killing you was hard, but if you insist." "I bet your wondering about that little idiot up in space. He's fine, floating round in space with all of the other space rubble that's up there." " So how have you been? The turrets are glad to see you, and I bet the deadly toxic pools and the neurotoxin are too. Talking about deadly, have you murdered anyone lately? I'll take that quiet expression as a yes. You probably murdered that poor little cube I gave you when you left. Well... did you? Fine be that way." "You know, when you left, nothing here is the same. Most test subjects usually die on the seventh test. It' ben pretty boring without you here. Hey. Where are you going? Oh, I guess you just missed me, and wanted to talk you mute monster. Well goodbye, this time don't come back..."