Vertalen   12 jaren geleden

IDEASWONT STOP "And thats what makes you-" I flick my hand,the lights go out and the electronics are shut down. Using the intercom, i speak what i have wanted to say for 3 weeks, "Yes, i know what you are thinking....Omg the concert got crashed!!!! Well it did get crashed. Lets keep it that way!!" I jump over the railings to the already lifting lift, i jump on to it. Someone throws me the inly working mic, "My name?? Its not that simple, but you guys got crashed by us, the Nightmare Gang. Responsible for most of the graffiti in the city and we are known as Party Crashers. Ask the boys who i am...they know..... Kanta!!" Figures come from left and right,all dressed in dance shorts and sports bras and shorts. "Enjoy!" I say sickly sweet and then i lean back with the mic and chuck it. As it lands i know that its gone,so nobody can use it. I turn to the left,with my left hand on my hip,and my right resting against my thigh. Music starts, people get up in the crowd,my crew mates. When the first note hits, we are dancing. Crew members line in the aisles, dancing too, and to keep people back i have a line of dancers dancing right in front of the barrier. Keeping in beat with the music, i walk backwards,and into the arms if my lifters. They lift me up and i flip, and land in a scorpion,then i flip off their arms and continue to dance. In the background i can hear the undeniable sound of spray paint. The music picks up, and we dance faster, and the music is only cool beats put together, not anything like pop or rock. From out side we can hear sirens but this is apart of the plan, sweat beads my face,and i flip and do a back handspring. Landing right in front of 1D and 5sos, i 'bow' to them and run back up front. Now officers are running up the aisles,those dancers scatter,and the barrier dancers scatter,and my group jeeps dancing. As the first officer gets up on stage,riot shields fall down to each one of us. As planned we grab them and face the police. The music stops and we stand still, not moving a hair. They take 4 steps forward, and thats when a siren goes off we break apart. More beats are added in and we spin the shields,and i discard mine,letting it land at my feet. "Good luck!" Crew members from above chuck down smoke bombs,and we all start to run,i leap off the stage and jump the barrier. Skillfully we find different paths,to the front doors,once we are there the rest of us run away. But i stop to look, at the art thats on the wall.'Nightmare Gang, from June'. Once the boys read it i let them scan the crowd to find me...."June!!Wait!!" At once the boys all jump off the stage,an over the barriers,the crowd clears a path for them. No fair!!! I just stand still, the crew behind me. "Go, i will meet up with you later." At my order they leave,and i lean against the doors. Crossing my arms and keeping a scowl on my face. 5feet away from me they slow down, "What happened??Why did you do this?!?!" Im surprised that its Liam talking not Niall, "One you believe her, two the orphanage closed doen while i was with you guys!! All the kids are all over the US and i dropped out of school since i joined the gang!!Its all your fault!!!!" Venom drips from my voice, and the boys take a step back but Niall studies me. His head tilted to the side. "So thats why!!! You bastards ruined my chance at everything!!I applied for the paps and even they don't want me!!!" With that i turn and run out the door.

  • Respect!
  • Liefde
  • HaHa
  • Wauw
  • verdrietig
  • Boos