Translate   12 years ago

You-niverse People like to dig deep inside themselves. They like to immerse their hands into the soil of the soul and unroot all that there is, all the secrets they're hiding from themselves. They love to do this, but are scared when they do. They fear the unknown, what they may find inside. The only certainty in soul searching is the ambiguity of it all. People are scared, bloodcurdlingly terrified of what could lie in the depths of themselves. They fear their own #life, their ocean, their sea of blood, simply because they do not know what the fuck they'll find. They don't even want it. They don't want to learn of their emotional poet, their humble writer, their cowardly child, their valorous warrior. They don't want to be those foreign things. They want to be themselves, and even if they are a writer or a poet or a warrior or a child at heart, they fear that piece of their self because they're constantly putting on the performance of a generic somebody for everybody everyday. They walk down the streets as if they're no one, when they're really Marina Laurel Queens or Jacob Louis McCoy. They're just so fucking terrified of dropping their persona. They've conditioned themselves to believe that they're no one special and that there's nothing more to them than the self that the present to the world when they know very well that there's so much more. They hate themselves. They think they're ugly, that they're annoying, that they're not good enough. They're wrong. They're so fucking wrong. Wrong, wrong, WRONG! They are beautiful, breathtaking, and so blindingly lovely and special. You. I'm talking about you, right here and right fucking now. Look at me. You're a cosmos. You're a world in yourself and you're so damn amazing, but you keep telling yourself that you're just a little speck in the universe. But you ARE a universe! You are not nothing, you are everything! You're an entity! You're perfection, the very definition of awe-inspiring, but you view yourself so often as shit! You've been conditioned by the world and by yourself to believe that you're nothing in a small, pathetic world when that's a bloody lie. You're a universe within a universe of infinite wonders and possibilities! You're a bright star shining in the dark, but you're unable to see yourself so you believe you're nothing. I see you. You're not nothing. You're everything. Don't ever feed yourself those heaping portions of negativity and lies ever again. You are beautiful. You are amazing. You are perfection. Oustanding! Gorgeous! Stunning! Indescribable! You are all of this because you are you. You are all those layers, the poet, the child, the writer, the warrior. Your complexity makes you the most beautiful thing in this huge, blue world we live in. Don't ever, EVER, let anyone, not even you, convince you that you're anything short of glorious ever again.

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