Translate   11 years ago

Bullying Rant How many people have to kill themselves before society realises bullying is a sick and horrible 'hobby'. Bullying should be classed as an offence against the murder, rape or robbery. Never self harm. It may seem easy and it may seem the only way out but is isn't. Please listen to me and don't. The bullies aren't worth your live. Your beautiful body. Do you know what bullying is? I'm going to give you a few questions, answer one knows what your answering...and then see where it leads to. Bullying is hidden, the victims are normally the quiet ones...used to be outgoing and quiet. Lonely. And abused. Bullies attack the victim and then get others to 'take the mickey' out of the,...without others knowing this, so the bullying doesn't get caught. Have you ever agreed with someone when they have called another person or hated on them or have you laughed along and joined in with it? Regrettably, I have and I didn't know what I was doing. You are told in stories and in #poems and in speeches that the victims are normally geeks and the clever ones but it isn't always. Have you ever laughed or stared at a disabled person, or someone who stands out from the crowd with a item of clothing or anything about them? I have and I didnt know that I was one of many who had done this to that one person. But geeks do have the bullying on them, they are 'apparently' the shy ones and the quiet ones so they 'expect it coming to them'. How pathetic. No one deserves to be bullied because they are clever. Because they have a good future ahead of them. Are you jealous? Have you ever mocked someone because of there cleverness, shyness or quietness? Called them a geek? Playgrounds and yards in schools are meant to be a fun place to be for children and teens but not for some people. For someone out's a place to fear, find somewhere to hide. So they don't stand out. Otherwise they might get picked on, punched and kicked and robbed from. Have you ever pushed someone about in the playground? In a yard? In 2010, this world starting having money crisis's and kids had a massive impact on this. Not being able to keep up with the latest fashions or not being able to afford amazing clothes or technology. Are you rich? Do you live in a mansion with everything you could ever want? Probably not. So why should you go and hurt someone for not having the latest tech or clothes? Have you ever laughed at someone's shoes or bag at school for not being amazing or for not being a 'good' brand? It doesn't just stop there, outside of schools and centres...victims get followed home, they get blocked in a crowd, in a corner. They get their stuff thrown about. Thrown in bins, in the road, in lakes and lost forever. Have you ever followed someone? Have you ever thrown something away that wasn't yours? Have you ever messaged someone on a social messaging site or via text message or phone call and called them, or hated on them? Have you ever posted a nasty message on someone's page or picture on a social networking site? Have you ever shared around someone's picture or video and laughed at it and made others share it? HAVE YOU DONE ANY OF THESE THINGS? Be truthful. If you have it is classed as bullying. Even two of these things. It is horrible. And you don't know the effect on the person. You don't know what's happened at home! You don't know their lives! Imagine if that's your brother....sister...cousin...any relative. Imagine if they got bullied so bad. They did self harm. They did it so much...they wanted a way out of #life. And they committed. Imagine if that was your family. Imagine what it would do to you or to family. The devastation. Imagine that, And guess what? You're murderer. If you bullied them until death. You killed them. I hope your happy. No one deserves to die because they don't like the things happening. Please read this and take everything into consideration. You are loved. Don't do self harm and don't listen to them. Tell someone. It may be hard but make sure your heard. Don't let them get away with it. If you agree with me...please go and follow my antibullying account @HopeFaithNoH8UK On twitter and support me. Thank you.

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