Survival Of The Fittest Chapter 1 January 20th, 2017, at 11:59AM, our new president Pavel Makarov, our first Russian president is sworn into office. I sit on my parent's couch, just shaking my head. Not even four years ago, everyone despised Russians because of the Boston Bombing. But now, everyone is cheering. He didn't even swear in on the Bible, he swore in on the Quaron. Mr Makarov walks up to the microphone for his speech. "This day marks a day for change, a day for revenge." My front door is than kicked down and in taken down by three spetnaz guards. As I'm being handcuffed, I stare up to the TV to hear the rest of his speak. "In Russia, our children had to fight against one another, for basic necessities! My first act as President of The United States, is to play a little game. Everyone over the age of 18, shall be "escorted" to a camp, where you shall watch your children fight other children from different cities. When your kid dies, so do you. Five cities from each state will survive, Have fun!
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