Young love.... Young love... Full of innocence... Excitement... Curiosity... and Fun... Its nice to see young couples every now an then.... The way they tell their stories.... Of how they met.... How they fell in love... The way they always want to talk to each other and be with each other all the time.... The way they dreamed that someday they will be married to this person and be by their side for the rest of their lives.... The way they cheerfully say that they will only live this person forever.... But to us adults.... Everything became complicated with love.... Some cheat... Some lie... Some dont trust... Some are being the givers... Some are only taking love... Some are loving faithfully... Some have unrequited love... Its just so Wrong now... That is why we adults dont believe that young love could sometimes be true... We always predict that these young couples will have more girls/guys whom they will fall in love with as they grow older.... We judge them so much... But we dont know what will happen to their relationship... It might Not be a genuine love or it might be... We dont know and we shouldnt really care... Let us just let them dream while they are still young.... And let them stand on their own feet when they got hurt from love... So dont judge! Give them our support and Just trust them...