Traducciones   11 años

14th Joker "Gentelman, I know how hard it is for you to forget the death of our precious 13th but we have to move on. We have a new leader of Viancilio Family to protect and obey. We lost the fourth successor from the 14th generation candidates last Thursday. We have to be careful with the election of the 14th leader and for us to be able to find a new leader, we have to investigate all the succesor candidates ... Please be kind to fifth succesor candidate, William Thornington." As Mister Quintinuo, the leader of the elders, finished his speech; the doors of the conferans hall opened wide. There was one of the best agents of the family, Caleb Thorie, standing in front of the door. "Mister Quintinuo! We have an emergency!" "Stand calm, child. What is wrong?" Caleb Thorie gulped and took a deep breath, "We lost the fifth candidate." Mister Quintinuos eyes opened wide when he heard his words. "What do you mean you lost him?!" "He was walking towards here and suddenly he collapsed! He had died in an instant and there were no bullet marks, not a drop of blood, just his cold white corpse. We are guessing from the evidence we've found that the killer of William Thornington is currently on his way to kill the sixth successor candidate. Shall we go and take him here before he's killed?" Mister Quintinuo took a deep breath. His worst nightmare had come to #life. The angel of death was awake. "Caleb, call the group Eleven. Tell them that every one of them will go and find one of the successor candidates and bring them here without a scratch!" Caleb was terrified of this idea. Group Eleven was formed from the best assasins he'd ever seen and they were not suited for a job like protecting a possible future boss of themselves. However he didn't say anything to Mister Quintinuo. "Of course sir, immediately!" "Wait, Caleb. I have anither mission for you..." Caleb Thorie raised his eyebrows. He couldn't understand why he took another mission while the family is in a crisis. "You will go and find the Joker... You will go to the last successor, Josie Viancilio." Caleb looked at Mister Quintinuos eyes in terror. "Finding the Joker?! ... Sir, are you sure? You know how dangerous the Joker is." Mister Quintinuo nodded. "The time has come Caleb. We will need the Joker, no matter how terrifying joker can be. Leave immediately Caleb, our time is short." Caleb bowed his head. The family was surely in a crisis of all times. ::::::::: Was he too late? The real and rightful successor of the Viancilio Family was the bearers of the surname Viancilio thus, the leaders were never chosen from the real Viancilio family for not to danger them. The real Viancilio family was guarded behind the shadows. The surname of Viancilio was scattered through the world and there were hundreds of people with the surname of Viancilio. Finding the real successor, the Joker, was impossible. Yet how this man was able to find the Joker? Why was the Joker, Josie Viancilio, been struggling in the armed mans hands? "Don't move or girl die!" The man was not a native speaker and could not speak properly. He put the gun in his hands to the head of Josie Viancilio while holding her whole with his arm. Caleb was both confused and angry. "You're gonna kill her either way! Let go of Miss Viancilio right now!" Caleb raised his gun to the mans head. When his glance catched the girls eyes, he knew he made a mistake by looking at her eyes. Her watery golden eyes were shining like a jewellery in the dark room. Although most of her face was covered with a black tape, her skin was looking so soft and smooth that Caleb almost lost himself while looking at her face. Her body was looking so small and fragile that she could shatter like a crystal vase at any moment in the hands of the man. Her delicate body was making the situation look more dangerous than it really is. Her brown hair was in tones of chocolate and caramel and was reaching at the end of her short white nightgown like an aromatic vapor of coffee. Her bare white legs were shining with the little moonlight coming from the window. "Mmmmm!" Her screaming voice returned Caleb to his senses. Just before Caleb could reach the special silver weapon, Josie got out from the mans arm and fell flat on her face. "You bitch! Don't move or you d-" A loud and high toned voice surrounded the room. When Caleb raised his hands to cover his ears, he was already on his knees. He felt a warm liquid reached his knees, he knew what it was, how could he forgot the smell of blood? He wondered whom this blood belonged to. When he opened his eyes for the last time, he saw Josies deep black eyes looking to him with a killing intent. Just before he lost his consciousness, he learned that the Joker wasn't a defenceless little girl...

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