Fear Fear is foreign When you are around And now that I know and have you My only fear in #life Is to lose you Therefore… I’d do anything to keep you There’s no end To the rage that would overcome me In order to assure your wellbeing There is no darkness too deep Death holds no weight For the depths I’d go for you You have the core of my heart You say the word And I’ll see to it That whatever it is Gets done. I’m infatuated I desire to please you You heighten every sense in my body I feel in control In every action I make Until you look at me of course Or touch me Especially when you touch me That control … Is given to you You control me And I trust you with that power over me A powerful woman You’re the mastermind Behind my actions You rule me with everything you do Compatible in every way You make me feel invincible Any task can be overcame Any obstacle can be completed As long as you’re with me There is no fearing Anything