Drifting Away What is love? Most of us haven't given the question a single thought. We're brought up to assume Walt Disney had it all figured out with the 'Happily ever afters'. The endless romantic drivel pumped our way only compounds this sense of emptiness that leads us in our continued pursuit for the elusive 'one'. One person to complete us, to make us feel whole. To provide us with a sense of belonging, of coming home. Yet this kind of love is a fallacy, a mere illusion we continue to perpetuate in our desperate yearning for union. A longing most won't understand until death comes knocking, and then we're afraid. How could we not be? Love, the illusive friend we'd longed for seemed to vanish into the distant horizon of the past, of regret, pain and suffering and a time wasted. Death. The ultimate reminder of our humanity, of our fragility in the face of #life and of love itself. Only when death appears to us unexpected, do we realise, love was there all along. In every smile, in every affectionate gesture, in every tear shed and every broken heart. Yes, love is always there. Especially in death. Learning to let go becomes the ultimate lesson. And yet here I am floating in the sea, swept away by love itself and still hoping to see his face again. Only love is in my heart, passionate, undiscriminating, all consuming and painful as it is. It's in the hearts of all of us. We are all love. The desperate search for love is really the desperate search for union with ourselves. A coming together of the unconditional divine in us, with the acceptance of the physical pangs and yearnings destined to haunt us unless we choose to remember. You don't have to take my word for it, I don't expect you to blindly believe what I say. After all, this is my story. Yours may be very different to mine, but if you were to be honest with yourself. Look deeply inside and listen to your heart. I know that longing is there. I've seen it in the eyes of every being I've encountered. And it wasn't until Mark Norman Reed came into my #life, that I understood. Our journey in #life may seem endless, full of drama and heartache, yet somehow it still remains the perfect reflection of our feelings. Emotions. When it finally comes to an end, you don't see it from the same perspective. Even as I am faced with death, the clarity I longed and yearned for becomes clearer still. Love continues long after death. Love is the glue which holds and binds us to this very reality. Our whole journey is a build up, a test of our inner nature so we may learn to live in truth. To live in love. Knowing this now, dying no longer frightens me. The waves splash against my face, pushing against my chest as I drift further away from hope.
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