Special Chuck, the name of a very very special cat. Long long ago, far far away there was Chuck. Just walking along the neighbours' fence until suddenly a dark green sack covered Chucks fragile head. "We got him boss." "Well well. Good old Chuck." Chuck was special because he had a code of numbers on his collar. Numbers to a Laboratory. "Finally." "Get his collar off." Two men yanked Chucks collar off and through it to 'The Boss'. "12 7 21 22 59." Chuck heard a cars tyres squeal as it drove madly away. Probably to the Laboratory! The two men's fingered shook as they pressed the number keys on the door. They heard a click. One man whispered "Were in!" You could tell that the gang of men have been desperate for the code for a long long time... Meanwhile with 'The Boss' Chuck heard a gun being grabbed off the table. Then heard it being load up with bullets. Gulp. Bang. Chuck was dead... Blood shot everywhere across the walls dripping onto the floor. But before we knew it 'The Boss' had already drove of to the Laboratory. "Boss...is that you?" asked the men while look at the potions. "Yeah, you idiot who else would it be?!" shouted the Boss. "Boss we think we found the potion..." "Give it." "Good boys..." He put it in his pocket. The potion. The potion was a liquid that can burn through anything... Even metal, safes in banks. They drove of again. To the bank of course... The gang shot over 100 people in the bank. Stole the money. Never got caught. Chuck. Chuck dead? Never. Guess what. Chucks eyes opened.