Chapter 7 I started to tear up !! I badly wanted to text Wes and ask him are you okay and when can I see u but I bet he is really tired and weak so I decided not to . "Mom.....what do we do ? " I said crying " Oh honey...I don't really know . The doctors and nurses are taking really good care of him and maybe you and your dad can go up to see him when he is feeling better . " " But did u hear what they said ?? He won't be able to move for weeks and he can't sing and we can't hang out...." I said angrily while crying . I stomped up to my room sobbing my eyes out . "Why did this have to happen to him ? What did he ever do ? He was only trying to make the world a better place but hurt him for no reason ! " I wondered . A week passed by and this week was the Christmas party . " I should just cancel it . The boys aren't coming I know..." " Honey...just because the boys can't come doesn't mean that you won't have fun !" " Mom..I won't have fun okay they made me happy they made me laugh they made me a better person !! " "We'll if your a better person then shouldn't you find a solution to the problem and not just give up on it ? " Even though I always win the argument for stupid reasons this time my mom was right , if they really have taught me to be a better person then I should've have delt with the situation more mature and find a way . So I decided to keep on with the Christmas Eve Party and sent all the invitations then started decorating . When I was laying in bed that night I couldn't stop staring at the gifts i got the boys ... Like I have no reason to keep them but of course with me being the lazy one I just forgot about them and moved on. The day finally came...Christmas Eve !!! I needed to find a cute outfit to wear because's Christmas Eve !! So I looked through my closet and found this gorgeous sparkly dress all the way in the back of my closet from like years ago. "This is perfect !!" At 70 the party started and of course family love to come whenever so they all came a little early . "Oh Hey Charollette " I said to my cousin . Charollette is 5 years old and is really crazy haha but I love her to death !! After I said hi to all my family I went to go change into my dress ! I would've been changing later but the party started early . "Ding Dong " the doorbell went . "Got it Mom!!!" I said yelling to my Mom. As I opened the door I was a little confused on who it could be because all my family is already here. "Hey Cassidy ! " Emblem3 said as I stood in shock at the doorway . "But how ??" "I told myself I couldn't miss this party for the world and I'm not ! " Wes said trying to smile . "Awe you poor thing come in come in !! " We all say down and drank some hot coco sitting by the fire . "So how ya feeling ? " I asked "Um...better but still in recovery haha don't tell the Doctors I'm here shh" Wes said while putting his finger on my lips . "Haha ok I won't . Just our little secret " We both smiled . "Hey Cassidy the ball is about to drop come watch !! " Mom said . We all walked over to watch it drop . Wesley started hugging me and felt soo good it was to good to be true !! " 3...2...1 !!!!! " The family cheering , the noise makers doing what they do...making a ton of noise was a normal New Years celebration that goes on in this house ! As I started to walk the guys out Wes said " Hey this was an awesome party thanx for inviting us !!" "Awe your welcome loved having you ." Then right after I said that Wes leaned in and kissed me !! All I did was smile and blush because what was I suppose to say " OMG thank you for kissing me Wesley Stromberg !!!!" No because we are more than a popstar and a fan we are friends and that's pretty awesome I'd say ! I smiled as I watched them leave knowing that I will probably be seeing more of EmblemThree.

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