2013 New Years Resolutions It's finally here, 2013 has started and the world didn't end, so now is the time to make change and do the things that you have always wanted to do. The majority of people will now be attempting the stick to there New Years resolutions. Some will fail within the first week and some will succeed. Every year I think long and hard over the Christmas period about what my resolution will be and what I want to achieve this coming new year. This year I've gone the full load, I'm focusing on health and fitness (most popular choice) home #life style and #life experiences. Health & fitness Do 60 minutes exercise a day, every day for the next year. Stop smoking (so far doing well) Home #life style Buy my 1st family home Cook a freshly prepared meal at least 5 times a week #life experience Do one #life changing experience every month I.e. skydive or appear as an extra in a film or on tv So this is my general New Years resolution, hopefully I can keep to it and continue doing so for many years. If I can last 3 months then I know I will succeed, I fully believe that if you do something daily then it will become habit and you will continue to do so without even trying. I would love to hear other people resolutions and what they hope to gain from them. Do you have one or many like myself? Leave your comments below