The Love Of My #life I met a girl over the Internet around August of 2012. This girl was the most beautiful person that I had ever met, but I really didn't know how to talk to her.. My birthday came on August 22nd, and she sent me a "Happy Birthday" wish. Naturally, of course I replied with a "Thank you" The next day, I sent her message over Facebook, and the only content was the word, "Woah"; that sparked a whole conversation that continued for hours on end that night. We drifted apart after a few weeks of talking.. I didn't know how to formally contact her again, without seeming strange.. One night, one of my friends were at my house, and said, "lets FaceTime her!" I really wanted to talk to her, anyway, so I said, "Alright." For the next couple days after that, me and her skyped, every night, usually until she fell asleep, but rarely until the next morning, so that the first thing I see was her beautiful face. As time went by, we grew closer and closer; and eventually were able to become boyfriend and girlfriend on October 24th, 2012. We've spent almost every weekend together, since. Over this small amount of time, this girl who I didn't even know until last year has become absolutely everything to me, and nothing could ever change that. December 31st, I was able to stay with her until 12:30 in the morning, so that we could share our first New Years together, and have our first New Years kiss. Overall, this relationship that came basically out of nowhere has became everything that could ever wish or hope for. In short, I love you, Rayven Shianne Bailey. <3 -Justin A. Beavers
rayven shianne
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