перевести   12 лет назад

relationships in five parts 1. we love like traffic jams; boundless energy and nowhere to go with it except further together. sheets twist around our bodies as water runs round rocks, interlocked like tangled headphones. we are jigsaws, one million pieces each, missing quite a number and having swapped some shapes for prettier skylines. we are catching breaths because of touching skin and smiling after forehead kisses. we are late night phone calls and energy drinks. cold hands running up ribs and nails dragging across hips. we are miles away and missing each other too hard. 2. i am winter sunrises and summer high tides. I am super glue and bandages. I am sharpie fumes and fruity hair dye. i am a whole forest of insecurities, a whole marshland of doubt. im clingy like velcro but reluctant to tell you. I'm the moonlight reflected on a frozen lake, still, tempting and most importantly dangerous. I'm swimming through fog and breathing shallow breathes because of painful memories and im writing on buses and I'm going to museums alone and im soup when you're sick and I'm long journeys you couldn't wait for and I'm, I'm okay. 3. he was a meteor fall, brilliant and insane, fast and forever all in one. he tore through the atmosphere, burning high and bright, no knowledge of the wishes from romantics below. seemingly no knowledge of me. and he burnt out. so small he seemed, with arms outstretched slowly turning. I'm not sure whether I turned before he ran or it was the other way around. but the night is fading and his trail of smoke and skins are exhaled into the wind. 4. it's daylight now. the sun has been up for a few hours but don't let that stop your sleep. you rise in the afternoon, once the sun is starting to go down. you are dandelion seeds floating softly in late summer. you are clean wrists and perfect ribs, only hurt on the inside. you are christmas morning to a six year old, constantly exciting and interesting. you are my dear englands weather, you change by the hour, you keep me on my damp-from-rain toes. you are wet grass and petrichor. you are streetlights in the rain and hiding under covers at 4am. you are lighthouses to sailors lost at sea, you are distant sirens growing close for a victim. you are not just a boy to me anymore. 5. my meaning is getting lost amongst all these letters and i apologise for making me difficult to understand. but you snuck into my heart and I'm quite happy to let you sit there if you promise not to wriggle, because, put simply, its fragile. and you are growing into my everything. and yes, i am in love. and yes, I hate admitting that. and yes, it sounds soppy. but god I don't want this to end.

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