Translate   12 years ago

It's Adventure Time!-3 "so, Jake," I picked up a rock, tossed it from hand to hand as we walked, and threw it on the ground. "Where do you think the amulet is?" "I don't know, Finn." he picked me up and stretched up past the trees. "Maybe over in those rock mountains?" I looked out at the horizon shielding my eyes from the sun. A huge rock formation loomed on a hill. "Yeah, let's go there." "Ow!" Jake cried. "Somethin's bitin on meh legs!" he shrunk down and a small bat-money thing stood in front of us with huge, black eyes. "I WANT THE PANTS," It gargled out. "Heh," I chuckled. "You're cute. I'll call ya Dave." It narrowed its eyes and tilted its head, staring at me. "Uhhh...." Jake seemed at a blank when usually he has too many words. I started to walk away nervously. "Bye Dave..."he watched us walk away before scampering off. "What was up with that thing?" Jake asked nervously. "I hope it's not another assassin like Memow," he shuddered. I frowned. "Yeah. That was mad crazy junk." we had been walking and came across Dave again. "Okay, what??!" I yelped. "Paaaaaannnnnnttttttssssss," Dave purred, he jumped on my leg. "Ah! Jake, getitoffgetitoffgetitoff!!!!!"I shook my leg desperately trying to get the creature off. Jake barked and Dave hissed, running away. "Thanks," I said panting. The bottom of my left pantleg was ripped, and my knee was scraped up and red. I touch it and it stung. "Oh glob" "Aw, are you okay Finn?" Jake frowned and tilted his head. "Yeah," I nodded. "Let's keep going, it's right up this path." "Shh," Jake hushed, blocking off the path. "You hear that?" "Hear what?" "Listen," he whispered. Shadows danced on the rock wall ahead and I could hear faint voices: "There, Z. It's the amulet."

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