What Is The Word 'popular'? Popular- i meen come on at school, theres these groups popular kids, geeks, football jocks, science people, and then theres all the rest but come on wat does the word popular really meen. Everyones popular everyone has at least 1-2 people wishing they were that person or things they are great or wants to be or are friemds with them, i cant explain this well because i dont see the meenin of this word and dont get why we jave groups like this! Yeh im a cheerleader and dancer and boys love me and im rich so im at the top of the school 'popular list' but come on maybe i dont want this attention there is no need so from now on even if i loose what ive got im gona be nice cring and hang about with those that are 'low down' if thats the words that people will understand if i use! But i hated being bullied and was shy like them so lets put a stop to this and make bullying slow down and slowly stop! love ya'll!