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The Divine Power Of Man - Alternative Ending Nr.2 Castiel: He had looked everywhere. On Earth, where the rumors had Him staying. On the other, uninhabited planets, in other solar systems, even in other worlds and timelines. Nothing. Castiel had talked with shamans, priests, psychics and even pagent gods. Nothing. As Dean would have said, The big kahounah was gone. Castiel had one more place to look, but he had no idea of how to do that: Some said that God was in his creations, since God had created the humans in his own image. Of cause, all angels knew that it wasn't litteraly, but Castiel was out of options. He had to search inside the humans. He wasn't sure if it was ment litterally or not, so he started with trying to figure out the human mind. He had tried the human way, reading up on what humans knew about their own minds, which didn't help him. It only gave him a headache. Well, if he did get headaches, this would defiantly had brought one on him. He tried talking to humans, interact with them. Obvius, that didn't work, eigther. His only options of a human study, would be the three hunters whom he knew best: The Winchesters and Bobby Singer. Bobby Singer's older mind had been the one whom he found it the most difficult to work with. The Winchesters younger minds were easier to work with. Castiel wouldn't invade their privat thoughts or minds, it would have only proved to infurriate them and that would do him no good. Sam Winchester had before hell, been very eager to talk to The Angel, to teach him things and to correct him when he failed to intact prober with other humans. After Hell and the loss of his soul, things between him and Sam had changed. Castiel didn't hear his prayers as strongly anymore, when he prayed, which was rarer then his brother. Castiel felt a strong urge to ignore his phone calls and he was at unease when the younger Winchester was around. It was then that Castiel turned to Dean, whom had shuned him for so long, only used him as his personal tool in the war between Heaven and Hell. Castiel had known all along what his own role was in the Apocalypse and he had done what he was told. Most of the times, it was the same as what Dean had told him to do. But now, the battle was over, God was missing and Dean was hunting again, with his soulless brother by his side. Castiel didn't know anymore, what the future held for any of them and it frustrated him. He had to find God, to get some answers and guidence from his Father. And Dean Winchester was his last hope. Again. Dean Winchester was...had been, the chosen one. Michaels vessel, chosen by God, a long time ago, before creation of man. It was his destiny. Dean Winchester had refused. Dean Winchester had rebeled. Dean Winchester had stood between Michael and Lucifer before the battle, taunting them both. Dean Winchester had in that moment, taught an Angel to rebel. Castiel would not, could not, forget that. That day, Castiel had felt the precense of God. God had brought the Angel back from oblivion, to stand by the humans. God had brought the soldier back as a Leader and a Guardian, to save Dean Winchester, to save the Heavens from the chaos that now would rule under Raphaels rule. The heavens had to remain strong. It was Gods will. It had to be. Castiel had long learned that Jimmy Novak was to no help. He had resented the Angel after posessing his daughter. It had been a mess and Jimmy had stayed quiet for years now. Not that Castiel had sought his compagny. They both keept to them self and eventhough it wouldt had been easy for Castiel to search for God inside Jimmy, he still respected the human too much to do that. Castiel wasn't sure if Jimmys mind would had survived the invasion if he had done it without permission and Castiel was not a murderer. Not yet, anyway. Sometimes, Castiel wondered what his role was now, after the Apocalypse. Was he to save the Heavens or to stay on Earth, with the Winchesters? Everything in his being, pulled him towards the Heavens, to do what he could, to save his Fathers kingdom from the corruptions that was Raphael and his minions. But there was also someting else inside him, that made him stop and listen everytime Dean Winchester called for him, everytime he prayed for him. At first, the Angel had used the staff of Moses as an excuse and when Sam Winchester, the boy without a soule, had tricked him into comming to Earth, he had almost killed the boy right there and then. But then the Angel saw something in the soulless man, something that sparked hope in the Angel: Even without soul, the man was capabel of feeling and showing affection, love even, towards his brother. Enough to threathen a Warrior of God with death. An impossible task and at first it had amused Castiel, that the man had threathened him. Was he really that stupid? But then he had seen it. In his eyes. Love. Sam Winchester did this for love of his brother. He lied to his brother, out of love. A confusing emotion for a soulless man, Castiel knew that, and he had to respect the man for that. He had played along, half assed yeah, but still, he had been there, and for a short moment, Castiel had felt like the Apocalypse had never happened. That the heavens was still under some sort of order under Micheals rule and that Cas was still part of the odd little hunting squad and that Dean, explaining the rules of watching human mating rituals on tv, was the most natural thing in the world. Then Samuel and the demon Meg had showed up and things had spun out of control in an instant. Castiel had now stopped time in Heaven and had listened for Dean Winchester. He was safe, tucked into bed in a motel. Castiel didn't know where, but he could feel Deans heartbeat, feel his even breathing and his dreaming being restfull. For once. Castiel knew he should let the man get some much needed sleep, and that he him self should stay in the battle, but now was probably the best oppertunity he would get in a long time, to speak to Dean. So he left the battlefield and entered Deans subconsion. Castiel quickly chosed a familiar setting for his conversation with Dean and suddently Dean looked up at him from the bench. This was one of Castiels favorite moments with Dean, and he often brought Dean back to this spot, whenever he needed to talk to the human. Dean didn't seem surpriced to see him. Quiet the oppersit. "Hey Cas."he half sighed and looked around the empty play ground."What's up this time?" Castiel was still standing, suddently feeling strange feelings in his stomach, at hearing Deans voice. It wasn't a nice feeling, knowing Dean expected him to bring bad news. The Angel still haden't gotten used to the whole Guarding Angel thing. Castiel felt he was better suited as a soldier, but he also felt that he had to guard Dean Winchester and therefore he had had to be brought back as a Guardian Angel. Right? Castiel sighed. He really could use some divine guidiance right about now!? Still nothing. He sat down on the bench beside Dean, still feeling the urge to protect him, even in his own subconsions. "How are you feeling Dean?" he started, both because he felt the need to soften the situation, but also because he really wanted to know. That was also new for him, to inquire to humans emotions. He could feel Dean turn his head to look at him, but Castiel keept his stare at the swings. After so many millions of years, this still facinated the Angel. The human mind, consius or not. So many possibilities... "Really?" Deans unbeliving voice cut through his thoughts. The Angel turned his stare at him, confused. "Is that not the prober way of greating?" he asked, eventhough he knew what the human meant. He usually always did, except when he used strange references. Earlier, Sam Winchester had helped the Angel out, but lately, not so much. Dean didn't buy his smoke and mirrors. "Cut the bull, Cas. Why are you here?" Castiel looked him straight in the eyes: "I need your help, Dean." Dean snorted, so what else was new? "Im sure you do, with what?" eventhough the voice was irritated, Castiel could easilly tell that Dean was not. Actually, he was calm and collected, almost at peace. As much as a hunter could feel at peace. Castiel knew it was due to his precense, in this dream, this fictive version of the hunters subconsion. It made Castiel feel good, that he could bring this peace to the hunters mind, even though it was only temperarily. "I can't find Him, Dean." that made the hunter lean forward on his knees, listing more intently to the Angel. "God?" the Angel nodded. Dean sucked in the air his lungs needed after what must have felt like a sucker punch to him. Eventough Dean tried to deny it, he did belive. He had faith in Castiel to find God, to bring order in the universe again. This, of cause, he would never admit to, but Castiel knew him better then he thought. And he knew that this could destroy the man, if he didn't find something else to belive in. "How can I help? I mean, you still got my amulet, right?" Castiel nodded again, then stood up and took a few steps from the bench. Dean remained seated and Castiel could feel the humans pulse starting to race. He felt bad for putting Dean in that situation so he turned to look at the human. "I still have one place to look." Dean was looking like his patience was running thin, so Castiel continued."I need to get inside of you." Dean paled and swallowed a lump, then said:"Excuse me? What does that mean? Please let that be angel-slang for...something other then what I'm thinking." Castiel didn't know what Dean was thinking, but he had a fairly good idea. "Some say, that God is in his creations. I have searched every other places, besides inside the humans. I need you to let me enter your mind, body and soul, to search for him." Dean remained quiet so Castiel continued "I have already thought of using my own vessel, but Jimmy and relations with Jimmy has been quiet for some time now. I cannot enter his soul without permission." Dean looked sceptical at the Angel and stood up. "So, you telling me, Jimmy is giving you the silent treatment?" Castiel knew a joke was about to come on his expence, but he didn't mind, nor did he react. Dean was still digesting what Castiel had just said. "Well, way to go Jimmy." It wasn't as big a punch line as Castiel had imagined, but Dean wasn't done. "Why do you think you'll find him inside me? You do remember who you are talking to, right? It's not like I have been one of Gods best children, so unless he is playing hookie in me, I really think you are barking up the wrong hell-reject!" Castiel took a step closer to Dean, wanting to make sure the human understood what he meant. Dean didn't back down. He hadn't done so for some time now, Castiel realised. "No matter what you think of your self as a human being, you should show some respect. God created you like this for a reason, made you do those things you so judge your self by, for a reason. Whom are you to understand the divine power of man? So grow up and deal with it. You are here on this Earth for a reason Dean, weather you like it or not." Deans eyes narrowed a bit at that and after a few moments of tense silence where neighter man nor angel backed down, he said: "So, your here to tell me to buck up and take it like a man? Sorry Cas, I don't bend over for anybody, especially not God. So no, go find your self another ass to creep up in, cause you sure as hell wont find anything in mine." With that said, Dean turned away from the Angel and went back to the bench and sat down. " Now, if you don't mind sending me back to my head? I was in the middle of something back there." Castiel could feel the anger boil in him. Yet again, Dean Winchester turned out to be a dissapointment. Dean may feel he was loosing hope, but Castiel knew that if it werent for the humans and their faith in the Angels, none of them would be there. Dean had to get his act together. "This isn't over." Castiel informed Dean before returning him to his own mind. Dean: He woke up with a gasp, starring up in the dark celing, still seing Cas' disapointed blue eyes bore in to his own. Dean sighed and looked over at Sams empty bed. Cas' last words still rang in his ears, the warning clear as a bell. Dean knew that if Cas really wanted, he could kick his ass from here to eternaty. Been there, done that, last time, Dean had been sure the Angel would had killed him. Actually, Dean had begged the furrius angel to do it. He hadn't. He had apparently still seen hope for him. And now Dean refused to do this for him. To help him searsh for God. Inside of him. If, and it was a big IF, God was still out there, there was no where in hell he would be inside Dean. It would be the worse hidding place ever! Every week, something new is trying to kill him and if it isn't some unknown weird assed creature from beyond, it's his own brother, just because he doesn't know better! One would think that if the devine spirite of GOD was over you, you would have a little more sence then Dean Winchester, who ate, drank and fucked when ever he wanted, with whom ever he wanted. Not likely to be the resting place of the Creator of all. No, Cas had it all wrong, and now he was off somewhere sulking because Dean didn't play nicely. Well, not this time Cas, find somebody else to be your Allanis Morisette! He knew it was a futile job to fall back to sleep now. It always were after a nightly visit from Cas, so he got up and looked at the clock. 3:23. Great, he groaned, just great. He grabed his boots and jacket and went in search of Sam. Castiel: Dean Winchester had refused. Castiel didn't have anyother options then to find what he was looking for, somewhere else. And find it, he did. The mans name was Gary....something. Castiel didn't care, he had granted him acces and The Angel and sought in his body, mind and soul. Nothing. He left the man shortly after that. Castiel felt defeted. Empty. Beaten. He suddently understud how Dean had felt just before going to the praying man on the street, accepting to be Michaels vessel. There was no other way for things to go down. Castiel could eigther accept defeat and let Raphael control the Heavens and let Paradise spread to Earth, wiping the humans of the surface of the planet. It would be the easy thing, the smart thing. The humans had turned out to be a destructive race, a race that didn't live up to its full potential. A hatefull, spitefull and petty race that always started wars, fought, killed and destroyed everything in its path. Very much like the Angels. Castiel did see the irony in that. Suddently, he heard his name being called from somewhere far far away. He reconiced the need, sorrow and defeat in the voice, it was a voice of prayer. It was not the usual hymen or rhythmic prayer humans had passed down through generations, from father to son, from mother to daughter. No, this was different, but the underlying note of total surrender and strenght was there. It was unmistakenly a prayer and it was from Dean. Castiel could do nothing but obay and appear on the field just out of Wyoming where his charge was standing. Dean : The unmistakenly flutter of wings and the slight warm breeze made Dean look up at the Angel. Castiel looked...different. Angry and empty all at the same time. The pircing look in his eyes, made Dean swallow a lump in his throath, remembering who, what, his friend was. He sometimes forgot that.Maybe, Dean should let him do this...he had his doubts about it all, but maybe he could finally do something good with this miserable #life of his. And making Castiel, a soldier of Heaven, happy or just, letting him have this, would be worth it, no matter how unpleasent it may be. But, what would he do, once Cas found out what Dean had known all the time? That God was nowhere to be found, and especially not in Dean Winchester. How would Cas handle that? What could Dean do to lessen the blow? One thing first, Winchester, he reminded himself once Castiel had arrived. The Angel didn't say anything, just stared at him with those ice blue eyes that gave Dean the creeps. He cleared his throath and stepped closer to the man...Angel....whatever. "Cas, I'm ehh, I'm sorry, about earlier, but you can't just spring that on a guy, asking him to roam around his being like that, it's creepy!" Castiel didn't as much as twitch, at Deans ramble, and that was probably even worse that the icy stare. Usually, Castiel made a tilt of the head or moved a little around, but this deadly still stare, with those empty eyes... " Hey, man, are you okay?" he stepped closer to the Angel and could now smell that unmistakenly smell of Castiel which he never could pinpoint. Softener and...summer, perhabs? Does summer smell? Dean didn't know. "what did you want, Dean?" Cas didn't sound angry, he didn't even sound upset. He was calm and emotionless. Dean didn't really know what to do or say, this was not what he had expected. "oh yeah right, uh...well, I've thought about it and ehh, you can use me. If you want."he added when Cas straightned his back. "I can use you?" he said. " I can use you?! You've suddently decided to chip in on the search on the divine power of the universe, and I CAN USE YOU?!" suddently, the anger flared in the eyes of the soldier and as he took a few fast steps toward Dean, the human couldn't help but flinch and step back. Castiels face was now only inches from his own and Dean could feel the heat radiate from the Angel. It wasn't a pleasent heat. His nose flared and his eyes had turned a dark blue that wasn't normal for the angel. Dean swore he could see specks of silver in them and hadn't his brain frosen, he would had guessed it was Grace in Castiels eyes. But his brain did freeze and he could only look down at the angel and wait for it to catch up. It didn't. But Castiel wasn't done:"Well, isn't THAT just great! We're saved, Dean Winchester ALLOWES the ANGEL to USE his body!" Dean didn't understand why he was so angry, it wasn't his idea and it was Cas who had called his dream in the first place! He would had told him all that, if his brain and mouth would cooporate. But they wouldn't. Cas moved even closer to his face, eventhough Dean would had sworn that that wasn't even possible. "Well, as usual Dean,"he spat, "it's too little, too late!" that seemed to snap Dean back to #life and with a horse voice he asked:" what do you mean by that Cas?" he didn't want to know, he really didn't. He already knew. Cas just stood there, starring, flarring, heating. Suddently a change came over the angel. It was as if someone called his name, and his head turned to stare out in the darkness. "What is it?" Dean knew something was wrong, he had seen that look in Castiels face to many times, NOT to know. Suddently, Cas pounded Dean to the ground covering as much of his body with his own smaller one, shielding him from a blinding light from above. The brightness of the light bore into Deans eyes and had it not been for Castiels hand covering his mouth, he would had screamed in agony. Suddently, everything turned black and cold and quiet. Castiel: He knew he couldn't cover the bigger body of the human underneath his oven, but he also knew that Dean would be found and taken, had he not reacted. The light and the voice of Raphael was to much for the humans frail ears and mind. It would be destroyed by the sounds alone. Castiel let his wings unfold and covered Dean Winchester, leaving himself vulnerable for the onslaught of Raphael. He could feel the Archangels power from above pircing through him. He had to act, now, for his ovn sake, and for Deans sake. Castiel pushed back at the powers from above. "Not this time Raphael!" he thought, and heard the stronger angel laugh at his efforts. Suddently, he was gone, and the night was quiet again. Castiel fell gasping to the ground, the battle taking more from him then he had expected. He looked over at Dean whom was passed out, but was safe. Dean Winchester was safe. Castiel folded his wings back in his vessel and placed his hand on the humans chest and he thought of the Impala. He could't find Sam anymore, but he could still zoom in on the car. It was just as important as the brothers themself. Sam: He heard it before he saw it. The two figures on the hood of his brothers beloved car and Sam knew that Dean would flip if somebody as much as scratched his car, and a flipping Dean was so not what he needed right now, it would not help him at all. So he hurried up and went to the car. "Hey! Punk! Get away from the..." then he saw who it was and he started running. Castiel and Dean both lay deadly quiet on the hood, none of them moving. He rushed to his brothers side, checking his pulse. Steady as a beating drum. He didn't touch the angel. He was a dickbag and Sam didn't need him. But he did need his brother. " Dean. Hey, Dean!" he shook him and slapped his face, waking his brother up. When Dean finally woke up, his hands instantly flew to his eyes, as if shielding them. He groaned."Hey, you okay?" Sam insisted, giving him a once over. He wasn't bleading or anything so, he probably was. A few seconds later, Dean still lay with his eyes covered up. Sam got tirred of waiting, and tapped his forehead."Hey dude, you okay? What happened?" suddently the hands flew from his eyes and dean looked up in the starcoverred sky. "Cas!" he sat up, feeling the hand now in his lap. He looked down and followed it to the unconcius angel by his side. "Shit, Cas! Hey Cas man, wake up!" nothing. Dean slipped from the hood andhurried to the angels side. "Hey Sam, help me get him inside, will ya?" sam straightned up."Why?" Dean stared at his brother, cursing the soulless body that only looked like his caring brother, but really weren't. "remember, me compass? Just do as I say!" Sam sighed and eventhough he really couldn't see what good an unconsius angel could do them now, he did as he was told. He was heavier then he looked, in that scrawney little vessel of his. He quickly carried the angel in a fireman position, into the hotel and placed him on the bed. Dean was at his side in a flash with a wet cloth. " Dean, what the hell happened?" he demanded to know. Dean finally looked up fromhis nurse Nightengale position on the edge of the bed. " Im not sure. Raphael I think." sams eyes buldged. They sooo didn't need an angry archangel ontheir heels right now. "The Arch Angel, Raphael?!" he couldn't belive this, they were so close to finding his soul and making Dean happy again, and then this freaggin' angel comes waltzing by, with his pissed off brother right behond him. "No the ninja turtle, of cause it was the angel!" Sam was speachless for a second, boiling with anger. " we do not need this right now Dean!" he finally exploded as his brother keept weating the angels brow. "We need to get away right now, dumbing our gps signal here!" that got Deans full attention."You talking about bailing on Cas now? Your kidding right?" sam started to pull theirbcrap together and stuff it into a sportsbag. " Hey Sam you look at me when Im talking to you!" Deans voice flared across the room to Sams bag. Sam spun around, not beliving his brother."You want to know if IM kidding? Your are the one who brought the bait right to our doorsteps and the hounddogs are howling rightoutside our door! What the hell is the matter with you?!" Sam had seen his brother move before, quick and fluid in a fight, on anhunt, hell even around the dinnertable, but this charging against him like a bull on steorids, that was a new move. Sam didn't move a muscle though."We are NOT leaving him behind, you hear me?" he sneered upp in his face. Sam didn't answer, he didn't agree. "I SAID, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!" he yelled, reminding Sam way to much of their father then he enjoyed. He was worked up and his nose was flaring, but eventually he agreed. Castiel was apparently a part of the family, though he was not blood. Sam didn't understand, it was not logical and his brain couldn't comprehend why his brother was so persistent. He didn't answer, just turned around, lewving the bag and his brother alone with the angel. He needed to get out of there, before he did something stupid, like strangeling Dean. Or the Angel. Right now, eighter would be stupid, and still leave him soulless. A monster. A monster who felt good about him self, who didn't care. The perfect hunter. The only thing that keept him going in his hunt for his soul, was Dean. He had proved helpfull and insisted he would help Sam become a better human being. Right now though, Dean could go to hell for all Sam cared. He went to a local bar, drinking and hooking up with the redhead whom served him cold beer. Castiel: He still couldn't move his vessel, it was too dameged, but he could leave it. He could move around the room, out of reach to Dean or any humanbeing. He had witnessed the exchange between the brothers and he had felt the rage comming from Dean as he had confronted his brother. Castiel didn't know how to react to that, so he had turned his attention to his vessel. Jimmy was badly hurt, what was left of him. Jimmy still hadn't asked Castiel to let him go, but if he ever did, the angel wouldn't hesitate for a second. He knew how he was suffering, but Jimmy Novak was, beside his daughter, the last Living person with the bloodline that matched Castiels being. He was to important to let go. That was why Castiel keept comming back in the same vessel. It suited him, it was compfterbal. It was a match made in Heaven, so to speak. And now, it was suffering from the attack. Castiel inspected the body. Something wasn't right. This was not the wounds made by another angel, nor any deamons Castiel had ever seen. This was He wasn't sure how to fix this. He tried to heal the body, but got a whole bunch of mixed signals he couldn't comprehend. He knew who he had to talk to, whom might have answers, but he couldn't leave his vessel. It was voulnerable to attack from other deamons and angels alike. He turned to Dean who still stood with his back to the bed, trying to calm down after Sam had left. Castiel went to him, standing behind him close enough to interfere with his mind. "Dean. Can you hear me?" he asked the human, hoping for a connection. And boy did he get one. Deans: As soon as Sam had left, Dean could feel a shift in the room and a calm presence took over. Dean could feel his heartbeat slow down and his anger subside. Suddently, he could hear it, as clear as a bell inside his head. "Dean. Can you hear me?" Dean spun around but saw nothing but the unconsius form of the angel on the bed. "Cas?" he asked, with more then a little worry in his voice. Worry for the angel or him self, Dean wasn't sure, but something was wrong. "Dean, listen to me. My vessel is damaged beyond my powers. I need your help." Dean had no trouble in reconising the voice of the angel but where was he? He spun around again, searching the room."Cas, where the hell are you?!" he asked irritated. There was no sign of the angel. Finally he found the emf and it went nuts, beeping like crazy the closer he had it to his body." oh no you didn't!" he shuddered. Was Cas already roaming around inside of him?? Again, the voice, as clear as day:"Dean, I am...

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