21st December 2012 A fellow Opussien has just written a great #poem about the End Of The World. I wanted to write a piece on this subject because it holds a topic of conversation that I've been having with friends of late. It is claimed that the Mayan Calendar will come to a fearful end on 21st December 2012. So in reality not that far away. I heard about this doomsday theory a few years ago and has played on my mind ever since. It got me thinking about my own future and in a mad way has really affected me. I wanted to be married by that day, I've booked the day off work already as I refuse to meet my maker in an office block speaking to angry people and I'm wondering if I should bother getting Christmas presents either. My biggest personal delay is should I have a baby? Now some of you may think why put your #life on hold or worry about something that might not even come true. I've been shocked by how much this potential fact has bothered me. I heard a reassuring fact the other day that in theory the Mayans 21st December 2012 actually passed in February this year. They as a civilisation didn't have leap year in their calendar so this date has passed and nothing happened. Phew! I also read that the Mayans where the demise of their own race in the end. They would sacrifice their people to give to the gods and then dumped their bodies in the surrounding river. Over time and the sheer amount of people their slaughtered they poisoned their own water supply and in turn all died anyway. Seeing as they didn't predict their own demise I'm pretty confident we are safe. If like me you have these thoughts, join me....take the 21st December 2012 off work, spend it with loved ones and just remember to be thankful that its not the end of the world. Last thought....just in case these Mayans are right and the world does fall apart, be grateful for what you had and make peace with yourself before hand. Don't be scared, as for the first time in ever, we will all be behind you!x
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