Translate   13 years ago

The Abyss Part 65 The scene around me began to change and there was now snow soaking my shirt and torturing my raw, exposed skin with painful icy darts. I was trying to not shake but my skin was freezing. Ahead of me I could see a large mountain peaking over the trees. I started to pull my bare feet out of the snow and run for it. My eyes squinted as I pushed against the hard wind, my legs felt numb from the knees down. When I got through the trees I could see the opening of the cave, I refused to go in. Something terrible was inside, I could feel it. It wasn't just the chill that ran down my spine. It was the sound of rumbling that came down the passage toward me. There was a stench that made me wonder if there was a creature laying deep within the mountains core surrounded by decomposing bodies. It was something I really didn't want to find out, but if I went back into the snow I knew I would die. I could hear my name being called, the sound was still distant but clear. I turned my head toward the voice and found myself staring down into a dark tunnel. To my right was a sudden flicker of light, laying on the ground was a small torch. It wouldn't provide much light but it was more than I had. "Thanks,'' I muttered out loud. I knew the succubus was watching me, this was her world, everything would go the way she wanted. I picked up the torch and started for the tunnel. The orange from the fire lapped at the stone walls beside me. I could see paintings of warriors with spears running toward each other in a fierce battle. In the middle of the two groups surrounded by flowers, was a girl. Her hair was braided in a long braid hanging over her shoulder and she had a smile on her face, even with the war around her. Then I noticed that her hands were on her stomach and my throat grew thick. This poor girl was with child in the middle of a war, she would die. The wind shrieked through the gaps in the cave and tore my attention away from the girl. This far from the cave opening the darkness was absolute. I could feel my mind playing tricks on my sense of time. I reached out and placed a hand against the bumpy stone wall just to make sure it was actually there. As I opened my mouth to scream for the succubus again, something snapped. I froze, pressing myself against the cold wet stone. The torch! I looked down at it then tossed it away from me, it went tumbling across the floor and lit up the massive opening in the room. My gaze flickered and I looked into the darkness. My stomach clenched at the sound of claws scratching the stone and the crunching of bones. There was the deep inhale of air, it was searching for a foreign scent. It was searching for me. I had the sudden urge to run, my leg muscle tightening. Its heavy steps were getting closer to me and fear had now consumed my mind. The torch light began to shine brighter, now I could see it. Its giant nostrils were on each side of its snout, its mouth was open. The dragons head was wide with two pointed ears and two long horns extended backwards from its forehead. There were a row of tendrils running from the base of its skull to its shoulders and a wide set of fanlike wings ran from there to its hips. The dragon had a serpentine like body with brown scales, it was shaded lighter towards its chest. For a moment I wasn't afraid, I was calm. This creature possessed such beauty. I should have been afraid, the huge claws and its teeth, but I wasn't. The dragon lifted its head and looked straight at me, its eyes were alabaster and clear with a thin line slit of blue in them. I could hear it breathing as it bared its sharp glistening teeth at me. I screamed, falling to the stone floor as fire began to spew from its lips. "Succubus!" I yelped, scrambling away. I could feel the sting of the burns on my legs as I turned to run back down the tunnel. The dragons feet pounded behind me, vibrating the cave floor. I heard her shrieks of excitement as she told me to run. "If you die here, you die in #life Laila.'' The shrieks of the wind were blowing into the tunnel, I had to be close to the opening again. There was light, I pushed myself harder trying to ignore the ache in my legs. My heart was slamming against my chest as I came through the opening in the cave. I ran for the trees, hoping the dragon couldn't fit through. My foot sunk deep into the snow and I fell to my knees, my hands scraping the hard ground. Ahead of me was a sound, my head jerked up searching for the dragon but it wasn't there. As he came around a tree, bow in hand, my heart sunk. I stared into the eyes of Fendewen and a smile came to his face as he raised his bow, the arrow was pointed at me. "Please don't do this," I whispered. His eyes never left mine, they were dark and full of hate now. Then, as I heard the wretched scream of the dragon he let the arrow go.

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