Translate   13 years ago

Flying It was so dark that night. I had wings...but I could not take flight. I had jumped. Trusting my wings to expand, But I guess, this was a bad plan. City lights flashed and blinked, My wings refused to unlink. No thoughts came to mind, And pure fear made my eyes go blind. Cars screeched to halt, People screamed,"It's his fault!" They blamed me,thinking I wanted to do suicide. 'No I did not!',I kept thinking,as my mother cried. I looked up to see an ambulance come to a halt. It was my wings,I swear! It was their fault! I sat bolt upright in bed, Sirens of an ambulance dying away in my head. A nightmare had given me my fear And made me shed a tear. I ran to my window,not making a sound. Opening it to hear the barking of hunting hounds. I stood on the edge of the window looking in the clear sky, Then I jumped,only to realize…that I could fly!

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