Translate   13 years ago

The One Called Phelps Roberts nearly ran into Inspector Decrie as the older man suddenly stopped in front of a shut door. "Listen Roberts, We like you. You are hardworking, and you show the department a lot of promise. So we decided to pair you with another who specializes in this sort of thing" John Roberts opened his mouth to ask who, but The Inspector continued, "The person I am about to introduce you to is...different. But you must not offend them! No matter what. We can't have them quitting on us" "So, there is two people?" Roberts asked, his curiosity fully piqued. Decrie frowned, "I think, their own reply would be something like, 'There is one body, and one mind, but formed together, it creates a powerful single personage'" and with that, he knocked on the door three quick times. The door swung open slowly, and Roberts gasped. She was stunning. A picture of beauty, grace, poise, and charm. "You have brought the Detective, Inspector?" she asked, her voice was like milk and honey. "I have. Myra, this is Detective John Roberts. Roberts, this is Agent Myra Kent" Roberts quickly took off his hat, and bowed stiffly, "I consider it an honor to be working with you, ma'am" Agent Kent chuckled, "Oh, you won't be working with me, but with Phelps. It would be a pity, for you, if you had been sent by the department to assist me" Roberts was at a loss for words, "Ph-Phelps? Who is..." Agent Kent laughed, "Please, come in. You too, Inspector" The room was almost completely darkened, with only a little bit of moonlight coming through a gauzy curtain on the left side of the room. "I apologize for the darkness, but Phelps is..." From the area of the curtained window, there was movement, "Myra, don't be a dolt. It is unpleasant to leave your sentences hanging. If you meant to say something, finish it" a black form, lumpy, and unidentified, separated itself from the black of the rest of the room, and was silhouetted by the faint window light. "I present to you, Phelps" Agent Kent said pleasantly, the sting of Phelps' remark well hidden. "Otherwise known as the brain. Myra is my body, and I am her brain" Phelps moved closer, and Roberts' eyes opened wide, 'Brain, body, formless thing, beautiful woman, what mess am I in?' Phelps sighed, "Myra, if you plan on being an idiot, can you please do so with the lights on? Detective Roberts can't see" Myra jumped forward, "But Felic- Phelps! You-" Phelps' voice was particularly agitated now, "I know!! But turn the damn lights on Myra! Good heavens, since when did you start processing thoughts so often? It's annoying, stop it. Remember who you are, got it?" From beside him, Roberts could tell Myra was slumping dejectedly, "Yes, Phelps. I'm sorry. Really sorry. Let me get those lights" Myra walked to a light, ad reached up, Phelps' voice accompanying her, "Just one. Just one light. No more" As the single lamp was lit, a small circle of light went around Richards, Myra, and the Inspector, but Phelps was still outside of it. Though, it's bulky form was more visible, just not identifiable. Richards smiled, though it was forced, "Thank you very much, Mr. Phelps, the dark was rather-" "Watch your tongue. I heard how impressive your mental abilities were, but you can't even deduce simple things. Idiots. This whole world is full of them" Phelps stepped forward into the circle of light, and Richards gasped. Wrapped in a thick quilt, and hair so tousled, it was hard to tell whether it was male or female. It's skin was chalky white, sickly almost. And the But, blue as eyes that never saw the sun. "And the idiot gasps" Phelps growled. "I, I am, very, very sorry, sir, I hardly meant to-" The slap Phelps gave caused the Inspector and Myra to jump, but did seem to positively affect Phelps' disposition. "I hear you calling me sir or Mister again, Detective, and I'll have you kicked off my team" Phelps left the shocked three, and walked back over to where she had sat by the window. "Now, Myra, stop gawking like an mindless child, as you no doubt are, and turn that damn light off. It hurts my eyes, and is such a nuisance". With that, she plopped back down, and glared at the three of them from under her quilt, with a tired sigh, she whispered, "Oh what tiring work this shall be. I can sense it already".

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