Translate   13 years ago

Having A Rant... Romance is definitely dead you know.. Whatever happened to love letters? Or the 'my friend fancies you'? Or the flower bearing person asking you on a date? Or even the date for that matter? The whole 'fancy some fun?' or 'I'd give you one' or the text at 3am when they've not pulled saying 'you awake? Fancy a bit?' and even worse.. The 'I'm just looking for something without complications' (clearly commitment issues)... Jeez, how could i possibly not fall in love with you after such an offer?! :/ I clearly should be flattered and feel very much respected and cared for after such a #life changing possibility.. Reeeaaallllyyy?! Oh and don't even get me started on the flirting... Apparently just by being nice or friendly constitutes flirting these days! Or if you do have a little flirt then it instantly means you want to sleep with them.. Single is definitely the way forward! Now THAT is without complications xXx

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  • Love
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