Translate   13 years ago

The Unknown - Part 2 There came no reply. With a groan, expecting the worst, I checked to see if Mum hadn't waken yet. The bed covers were disturbed and her pyjamas were sprawled on the bed, so she was definitely changed. I quickly hopped down the stairs, Poppy on my trail. "Mu-um?" I called. The sound of a cup being put down came from the kitchen. I quickly jogged over to the kitchen, where Mum was sipping a mug of coffee. She put a finger to her painted-pink lips and her green eyes grew wide. She had mousey brown hair that she always pinned back, but it was messed up in a bun today. I sighed and pulled her off the table with a hug. She breathed heavily as I took her hair out of the bun and into her usual hairstyle. (Finishing it here for now, low battery).

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