Coffee Shop Blues #life #observe
I sit in the corner, like a moving mannequin in the window of #life.
To my right the intense colony of people rushes by in every speed and direction, going about their lives. ‘Yummy mummies’ out in force!, ‘ladies what lunch’, shop workers, business men and women all scurrying about trying to get here and there without slowing down to notice the colour of the walls. The forever increasing number of elderly men and women sat on the benches in the middle, like a heavy stone perched in the centre of the wild current of a river, whilst young #life trickles around them on opposite sides of ever changing tides.
To my left people sit as they rest in the pit stop of #life. An old couple, man and woman, sit still staring into space, not interacting, not looking into each other’s eyes the way they once did when love was youthful and ablaze, when their souls were intently grabbing out for each other. Now, they have nothing left to say to one another except maybe comment on the cold weather creeping in, and how they must hurry back home to feed the dog!. I imagine what it must be like to live in a world so fast paced, yet for you, everything has worryingly slowed down.
And then there is the opposite end of the spectrum. Young #life! Newborns. Everywhere I look there is a pushchair; young couples out with their babies, single mums sat drinking coffee with their own mothers – three generations bound together by love, one, two, three. It’s a beautiful thing! And as I sit there, observing, a small ache in the pit of my stomach tells me I long to one day have that, to experience the special bond between a mother and her child. I see men cradling their offspring in their arms, so proud and full of love. It doesn’t seem fair, knowing how easy for them and how difficult for me. The circle of #life has turned into a square!