The Voice Sleep, Sleep, Sleep This gentle voice Says form a crosse the room The voice is familiar to me For some reason. I left my head off the Cool pillow to look In the direction of the voce there's know one there, I think to myself I must be dreaming as im laying my head back down I hear the voice again Sleep, Sleep, Sleep I jump out of bed and run to the light Switch and turn it on. There's know one in my room just me, as I'm Reaching for the Light switch to turn it off the Gentle voce Says again Sleep, Sleep, Sleep I Grab the bat form behind the door and Yeah come out who ever you are!!. My dad comes runing in what's going on is someone Breaking in the house!? No it's ok dad I'm just hearing things and Act like nothings wrong. What are you doing with that bat son? Are you sure everything's okay? Yea dad ever things good go back to bed I'm good, ok son and He leaves. As I'm getting back in bed I get my iPhone off the night stand to Turn the voice recorder, To try to record voice so I know I'm not going crazy...... But for the rest of the night the voice is silent