Greetings fashionistas, supermoms, and single moms! I'm Jeneva, and find myself in all three of these categories and while all of this leads me into some amazing and positive journeys, it can be stressful budgeting time, money, and finding cool ways to well- be super! I realize there are plenty of blogs and tutorials out there with loads of social media avenues from you tube to Facebook and Instagram to Pinterest. There is plenty of surfing to do on the web but I'm here to share what works for me. A few things to note- I don't use facebook nor do I Instagram. I find them habit forming and haven't met a single person that it hasn't made crazy at one time or another. I only use pinterest as it is much less invasive and has kajillions of creative ideas and positive messages that manifest my creativity. I work hard to create balance in everything in my life and I'm hoping sharing my thoughts will inspire you. I've read so many single mom blogs only to realize how sorry they feel for themselves and want to share a bunch of negative hoopla with each other. Here's the deal- being a victim isn't sexy. If you want to be the heroine of your own story and look fab while motivating those around you, then let's share...