Deppression Sad little girl , sad little girl . No one understands you. They say you have a "good" #life. They dont know what you go through, if only they live in your situation. Just one person .. Just one . To feel what you feel, to hear what you hear , to think like you think, to cry every day. Your mother hates you . They say she doesn't, but deep down she does . Your brother hates you with all his guts . Your sister .. You dont know . She says she hates you , your the worse sister ever. But another day she "loves" you .. Your confused . Your dad , his mostly gone .. He doesn't see what happens when his gone .. When his here he doesn't really pay attention. Your mom betrayed you . Your mom loves your brother, she sees the way he hurts . She sees he has #depression .. So, she has his back all the time . She doesn't see you hurting .. No matter how many times you yelled to her about it in tears . She doesn't see it . She doesn't care. Those cuts .. Those are because the people you live with .. You feel alone at your own house. You cant go anywhere, your family hates you . Your uncle.. Had his kids come to you to say that he hates you and your a bad influence to them. What did you say ? I dont care . When you got home you cried.. Where could you go .. How well you get out of this house away from your family thats hates you ... How ? You feel trapped. Your heart has been torn to pieces, you cry all the time. They say your a "crybaby" all the time .. But they dont know how strong you use to be .. But hatred has broke you . Your now very weak.. You want people to feel your pain.. But they just wont understand, they cant feel what your feeling. They think its nothing.. But honestly, the people who you thought loved you . Betrayed you. Will they every understand your pain ?.. No they never well. Maybe just one person, but truly they dont till they live your #life . You where happy .. Now your sad.. Ooh, sad little girl.. Dont you cry . It well be over soon... When your gone forever. Dead, when youll be happy .. Thats all you really want, but you cant do it . Its just your love of your #life is holding you backk .. You love him with all your heart .. You cant. You just cant .. He would be hurt .. You dont want to hurt him .. Never, not again .. You already hurt him plenty of times ..You wish you could go back and fix it .. But you cant .. You love him. He loves you. Deep down... You hate yourself so fucking much because you hurt the love of your #lifee so bad .. So many times .. You think how can he be with me .. I did him wrong .. I hurt him soo bad .. Kill me now . You promised you'll never leave him.. You fucked up . Your messed up.. Why would you do that ? You dont know .. You hate yourself for it .. But you cant do anything to fix it no matter how hard you try .. Horrible little girl, sad little girl . What a mess you have done ..
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