Be nice or be 'nice' ? After all this time, ill try to be nice towards people and i want them to be nice towards me too. and thats not happened. I'll even try to fit in them too and well the answer is still the same, thats not happening too. I keep telling to myself is there something wrong with me? Did i miss something? havent i do good enough? Then i realize i always trying to please everyone and all i wanna see is the result. If i get nice attention then it is good then if i dont its not good. All i did is too focused on the result not on the journey of being nice, i already missed the basic thing of acting nice towards people : Let all the things youve done with love. YES LOVE! i help people cause the purpose i told to overtimes to myself : YOU SHOULD HELP ME CAUSE I ALREADY HELP YOU! see how do im not enjoy myself for doing nice. Is it acting nice supposed to give you freedom and peace? see the result in me i think im on my way doing the opposite of acting nice actually. The point is do what your heart wanna do. Dont let your thoughts even your friend's thought interfere too much. If your heart wanna say they wanna do, act on it! Cause remember love is feel by HEART not thoughts and all your heart wanna do is because you already feel the Love that Hes already give to you. Dont ignore it. And the result being nice in the end is not only doing help for others but it is also helps you to find who you really are. Keep praying and keep believing its never wrong for doing things right and always giving hope to you and the world. Ora et labora, Jesus loves us