Who Am I? Who Am I? In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. On the sixth day of creation, the creator made man in our image, after our likeness (Gods). The man was not fashioned of any animal kind but made in the creator’s image and likeness. Animals were made in a different way his kind, and their kind, not our kind. This means dogs look like dogs, and horses look like horses. No animal is formed in the image of God, humans are not part of the animal kind. We are God kind and moulded to have a relationship with the Father who created us. Remember in the beginning was God and there was more than one person in creation. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Jesus Christ could be with the creator and was the creator. The word means Logos or Spokesman. The Word of Jesus was made flesh, from the spirit and dwelt among mankind. Animals possess instinct and were designed that way, we have human behaviour whereas animals have instinctive behaviour. Human intellect is far superior to animals as we are fearfully and wonderfully made. The human mind is missing a component only and that is God. Humans acquire knowledge, this is physical knowledge or spiritual knowledge to develop a relationship with the Father and fellow-man. Physical knowledge is through our five senses, of taste, touch, sight, hearing, and smell. Humans are made of flesh and not composed of spirit yet until made new. Adam and Eve the first humans were physical and had the breath of #life. We fuel ourselves with food and water, and Adam was made first after the God Kind, not animals. So why do we exist? When we die shall we live again? #life is a process and one day God will call us from the grave and those who are born again. We are clay in the creator’s hands to work for him with the indwelled Holy Spirit. We are not born with the character of God we have to earn it and develop it all our #life. True Christians grow like a child in grace supported by Jesus Christ. We all have to suffer even Christians to build character enduring to the end to be finally saved. Building the spiritual character and nature of God is man’s purpose in #life not building human nature. Remember humans are the creator’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus the church, who he is the head to do good works. God has a purpose in work within each person. By working with Christ we renew in the spirit of our mind and put on the new man daily. Born again Christians are a new creation to be completely perfected when they die and are made whole again claiming our lost inheritance. We yield to God and his government or Satan and his nature, remember human nature comes from the Devil the Prince of the airways. God is a Father and wants his sons (humans) to be in glory with him. The Lord has one spirit composed son in Jesus Christ but will later have much more. God reproduces himself by developing his character in mankind spiritually whereas we reproduce physically. Human children take on the look and character of their parents and spiritual people take on the look and character of the creator. Divine nature is the nature of God, the character is understanding, knowing what is right from wrong and practising what is right not what is wrong. Morals are from the Lord but is attacked by human nature directed by Satan. Building the fruits of the creator’s spirit animals will never achieve. The character is but through experience, Satan is selfish and indoctrinates humans to be self-centered. We are fashioned to become like God after his Kind the God Kind, and build the character that’s the very reason we exist on earth. The King of Kings always had a plan which is a 7000-year process until Christs return, we are all incomplete at the moment in purpose and character. Angels were created as ministering spirits for mankind heirs of salvation. Angels are not fashioned in the image of God, Satan hates humankind because of this. Angels will not rule over the newly created world to come. The man was made a little lower than angels and crowned with glory and honour, giving power and authority to the sons of mankind. The creator will share rulership over all creation with his sons. Christians are sanctified or set apart through the Word of truth and entrusted to defend the Gospel. Remember it all started with Adam and Eve who disobeyed their parent like many do today when Lucifer lied to them in the garden. Satan convinced man they could become their own Gods, and their wisdom was greater than their parent. Perfect human minds were corrupted and the spiritually died. Adam and Eve stopped getting spiritual knowledge and were cast out into the world with the fallen Lucifer, who became the Devil and human nature took hold. Limitations were made on us to use our five physical senses only, and the Prince of the airways slowly reprogrammed our minds. The Tree of Knowledge of good and evil had both knowledge which we see on earth today. Good churches, bad churches, Good Christians bad Christians. For six thousand years mixed knowledge has pushed the bible into myth for some, and contradictions for others, whereas Christians know what the big picture is, Truth with an error does not mix. God determines what is right and wrong whilst mankind can decide whether to do what is right and wrong through free will. The physical mind with human nature is always in enmity against God and does not want to be subjected to any laws or government system, every human today is cut off from God. The man is governed by the carnal mind, the natural mind is the creators enemy, and does not want to take commands. Deceitfulness exceeds everything we do sparked by the deceiver the Devil. Challenges in #life are always with mixed steps, human reasoning always makes more problems for itself, while science fools the mind, indoctrinates with lies and false ideas. God wanted us to take from The Tree Of #life the good things only and receive the spirit of God learning to give instead of get. The Lord gave dominion to the first humans on earth so we could live, learn and produce. The creator fashioned highly complex minds to create, reason, observe and experiment, while physical knowledge could be processed within the framework of Gods law. Experimentation led humans to try anything leading to perverse thinking, the modern homosexuals, and atheists bent on blaspheming God. Reasoning everything out ourselves we were always destined to fall once again. The most technical equipment we buy today comes with a set of instructions, and the Father is know different he gave us the Bible, or basic instruction before leaving earth. Revealed knowledge is there for all to read and receive, to live a #life full of love and blessed within the spirit. The bible does not contain all knowledge just enough that is essential for salvation. The man was given the capacity to think and act through the Bible, education is important for all the earth leading to physical improvements. 6000 years of misery and we are still the same and getting worse day by day. Who is the more ignorant man who created bombs of mass destruction or God that told us “Thou shall not kill”? Who is the most ignorant man who created genetically modified foods that poison our blood, when God gave us good food to eat from the start of creation? Pollution, wars, crime we are the cause and our effects affect everybody. Image, form and character one day will be composed of Spirit , we are born with the image of the earth, but we can also bore the image of heaven as a true follower of Christ. A Christian must grow before he can leave the womb, and must qualify in building Gods holy righteous character Now. The Lords plan is a mystery but his purpose has been the same for 6000 years and we all can be part of the jigsaw if we follow a simple set of instructions from a book called the Bible.