Happiness Forgets, London There are the places you go to just because you can't think of somewhere better. Happiness Forgets is definitely that place. Hidden away, dark, and with a jazzy atmosphere, as soon as you walk in, time becomes irrelevant. Before you know it, you'll be slurping on the most refreshing mix of spirits, fruits and spices. As elaborate as the cocktail menu is, it is merely a guideline, and the most satisfying way to enjoy this place is just to go up to the bar and ask for that sweet something with your favourite spirit. My favourite drink of all time is a French 75, nothing beats it - or so I thought. Feeling challenged by the very notion that one can have a favourite drink, the barman proceeded to make me his take on what I called "the best". Tokyo 46 was born. I now have two favourite drinks. Hidden in the corner of Hoxton square, the place attracts all types of people. And the ratio is good. very good. Don't go without booking first, to avoid disappointment. Strongly recommended are the fantastic "Mikey Rivers" and the "Mexican Remedy".