I feel like in order to live, you always have to be growing. "What am I actively improving on/what goal am I working to achieve?" Movement is always better than complacency, even if it's the wrong direction. Or maybe if your #life so far is a to b, take a tangent and go off to c. Or p. Or €. You see my point. Movement off the reservation isn't "bad." Just different.
To Me The sun is less beautiful without the rain. #life isn't worth living without some pain.
Long Talks With Friends Are The Best. It's good to feel a connection with someone again. The city we live in just isn't the same without you. After we talked, I remembered how much I miss you. But not in a "Wah come back." sort of way. I dunno. No one here just gets me like you do. Anyway, I'm glad for you to come back soon. Before I'm off to study abroad. How's that for irony?