I am an eleven year old girl from Pakistan. I'm in fifth grade, but I always fid myself wishing was in sixth. Let me get one thing through to whoever is reading this: I LOVE WRITING. It's true. Most people hate it, but not me. I began writing in third grade, about a missing backpack. From there, I grew to love writing. Thinking up crazy stories were my specialty. However, I DID have a problem. I could never finish what I started! I would write part of a story, or future bestseller as I called it, and then just lose interest and leave the reader hanging. This problem is STILL bugging me. I always imagine myself as a celebrated author, about twenty years from now, signing books and encouraging younger kids to write. That actually does kind of happen even in fifth grade. When my friends read my essays or stories, they exclaim, "How do you write this good?!" The answer to that, little ones, is: Books. You can't expect to become an author without reading and loving books. They are my inspiration, they're where I pick up new words and catchy expressions to put in my OWN writing. In fact, that's why I wanted to BE an author: to write more great books for the world. Plus (as you can probably see), once I start, I can never stop my hand from flitting across the keyboard keys, never can stop the pencil moving, never can stop the ideas coming. This is why, for those young third graders that dream of becoming an author, don't sit around for half an hour planning out your entire story. Sure, you can do some brief planning, but no more. The main part is getting the actual writing done. Just do it.