Help Chapter 1 Darkness. For a minute I panicked, am I blind, what's going on, where am I!? My eyes however start to adjust, a narrow slit set high in the wall to my left lets in limited light. Moonlight. There are however no doors, I stand slowly, my legs though decided otherwise and immediately buckled underneath me. The fuzzy and sharpening pain of pins and needles began to take over. "God how long have I been here?!" "I'd say about two hours, yeah you out for a while" A cheery voice replies. "Holy... Oh my god... Who the hell are you and where am I?!!" I couldn't see the speaker, I whipped my head around frantically, until I noticed a slight disturbance in the light, situated in the right corner of the room, as they began to stand. "It's ok, we're in a small four by four room, the only way in and out is through the ceiling, the slit in the wall is our only source of light. I'm Harry, aged 27, and I've been living here in this room for two months now." "That's great, well I'm Elle, I'm 25 years old, I just got here and I've no idea why." "I know why..." Harry sighed and he looked to the light. I cocked my head in confusion, I could see him clearer now, his jaw straight cut and clenched, his eyes were sad and slightly sunken into his head they were brown, dark and secretive, he turned back to me. "You are the new test, they're new guinea pig and you will die."