SECTION 1 The tide pulls out. The boats don't have water under them, the fish get stuck in the sand. Nobody seems to notice except the staff, there eyes grow big and it seems like there in quick sand and can't move. Soon a warning bell rings and everybody knows something is not right. We start to run toward the hotel, people who are five feet behind us are submerged in water. My sister and father make it up the stairs, while my mom and i don't. Water washes over me, I feel like I'm in a washing machine not able to breath. I push up to the surface and try to find my mom, I do. She tells me to me to grab a tree and she will to, the only thing is that she doesn't make it to the tree. I about to let go and follow her when she tells me to stay and that someone will find me. I nod that's when she disappears. There is no more sand the boats have no appearance and there are cars floating down the beach. Telephone polls act as flotation devices for people, as others struggle to stay afloat. I start to cry, softly at first then my tears transform into sobs. Will I ever see my family again, will I make it through today?