Run McKenze I An eight year old girl named McKenze, a child with parents, a brother, and a sister that all live in Michigan. McKenze is a Sunny Glade School girl with tons of friends. It was the 3:30 bell. At school a girl walks up to McKenze and asks for friendship. "I don't remember you! Stay away from me?!" Said McKenze.
Berne The Buccaneer's Cheese Steak Out of all of the sandwiches I've researched, this is the most legendary! It's the Buccaneer's Cheese Steak! It'll be delicious! Just talking about it makes me hungry! My mouth is watery! I gotta eat. Let's find this sandwich, it says it's somewhere in 17789 S Landgert Street, huh! That's the Washington's house, my girlfriend from school lives there! Ellie Washington. Well anyway back to the point. It's somewhere hidden in their underground shelter, that's kinda rude to go in their basement like that. Their never home, I'll just go when their not home!