Fifth Power Chapter 1 The Beginning One day in the suburbs there was a boy named Peter Johnson he was an ordinary boy who just wanted friends he was a loser he only has two friends brad Simpson and his best friend leo headstone. One day brad and leo were round peters house they were playing wold of Warcraft Peter got angry because brad killed him in fury Peters hands went bright red and bursted with fire then they went back to normal none of them knew what to do Leo and brad left seriously confused. peters was really upset about what happened. At dinner time Peter sat at the table trying not to burst out with tears his mum knew something was up so she asked what was wrong he told her what happened after dinner Peter was in his room his mum and dad came in and said "Peter what happened was expected at this age because you've got super powers" there was a silence for a minuet then peters dad continued"we are sending to a school were they will teach you how to use these abilities" Peter replied what about my old school what about my friends" peters mum told him"you can still see your friends in the summer holidays" Peter returned" I don't want too" peters dad got angry and shouted"it's a privilege to go this school and your going i don't care what you think your going peters mum and dad leafed the room and Peter started crying. The next day Peter went to leo house brad was already there Peter told them about what happened after he told them he leafed and said "see you next year". Two weeks later Peter was warming up to the idea of all of it which was a good thing because he was leaving in three days he was packing his stuff when his mum said "what ever you hear in that school don't believe it all" Peter got a bit suspicious but didn't say nothing. The day Peter was dreading came and he got in his car like he was getting sent to a prison Peter was in the car for 4 hours they stop and said "time to get out" Peter got out and saw a beach Peter said "are we in the wrong place"peters dad ignored him then lifted his his hands in the air and suddenly a big beige come out of the water Peter was amazed they walked across the beige and a big school came before peters eyes as he walked trough the door a lady was waiting for new arrivals she told Peter to go down towards the hall Peter gave his parents a hug and ran down to the hall not even looking back at his parents. When he got to the hall there was four stands and two stages in the middle one with chair were the first years Peter went and sat down next to a boy and a girl he said hello I'm Peter to both the boy said "hi I'm crash Thompson" the girl said "hi I'm Roxy wise" after they started talking then a a strange man who was half human half robot he was the head master. The head master made all the first years stand up one at a time the head master,bill bough told them to put there hands over a stand so the first boy did it his hands started glowing they glowed blue so the head master told him to go to mrs Whittaker he walk up to her she gave him a blue wrist band with a water sign on it then he got told to walk up to it again it turned brown he got told to sit in one of the four stands. Crash went up his hand glow Gary he walked over to mr maxi he got a silver wrist band and walked back then his hand glowed yellow he sat in one of stands.Roxy went up her hands glowed white she got told to go to mrs hellaga gave her a white wrist band she walked back and her hands glowed yellow she went and sat down.peter walked up his hands went really bright there was a flash bough took Peter away before anyone could ask what happened.that night Peter got to his room crash was already there crash asked " oh I didn't realise I had a room mate that explains the extra bed hang on rant you the kid that didn't have powers" Peter replied " I do have powers I just have all of them" in amazement crash said " really" Peter said " yeh and after I found out that I got told I was in yours and that other girls collage" crash replied " what Roxy yeh she's on the 2nd floor well I'm tiered so we should go to bed" " ok " they Both went to the morning they went down stairs for breakfast crash and Peter sat down and stared to eat Roxy and everyone else was already there then mr bough came in and gave everyone timetables he gave all of the timetables out then told Peter " you can go to any lesson you want but you have to go to one" Peter replied " ok I might go to metro" bough said " don't choose your class because of your friends you do have other classes you will be with them like history music and so on" " ok I will probably do earth class then" Peter said in a disappointed manor. Bough left. Peter went up stairs to get dressed as he walked to the stairs Roxy said to him " hi I'm Roxy er I just wondered if you could come in air class sometime for me I just think its amazing what you can do and I would like us to be good friends " " ok I would love to" Peter said in a romantic way Peter went up stairs.
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